The Sand Amp has a lot going on this weekend! Remember, this Friday at 7PM, we will have Men to Rocks performing along with an appearance from Sanditon Dragon! Metal and Fire - could anyone ask for a more rocking night?!
@HowdyTacos will be stationed at the Amphitheater if you have any taco cravings. And trust me, even if you don’t think you’ll have one, once you smell the aromas and read their menu online, the cravings WILL come.
Also, we have partnered up again with @SanditonQuill, which will provide ready-filled picnic baskets for two, and @BakeATon, which will be offering delicious pastries, for purchase to all of our music-lovers.
Lastly, since he was so very popular last week, Scottie the Barkeep from The SandBar will be back to mix and pour any cocktail of your choice!
Hope to see you all there to start off all the weekend’s #OpeningOfTheBeaches (#OoTB) celebrations!
Thanks to @SandtionAds for the wonderful poster they provided for this concert!
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The Sand Amp has a lot going on this weekend! Remember, this Friday at 7PM, we will have Men to Rocks performing along...
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