Friday, May 24, 2013

Flashmob? Awesome!


What’s better than fresh food at the farmer’s market? Or entertaining flashmobs? How about both of them together?

This Friday the 24th @SanditonDance and @SanditonFarMar are doing a collaboration where @SanditonDance will choreograph a flash mob.  What will they be doing? Who knows, they could be doing anything with a flashmob- but rest assured, it will be totally awesome. Don’t doubt that.

There’s a few names, that you may possibly recognize, who will be in the flash mob tomorrow;  @RegencyFlorist @SanditonStyle @SanditonPublish @hazel_sanditon @Thriftnsanditon @AllieRBenson

Will you go out and enjoy the flash mob tomorrow? It’s at the Corner of Mansfield and Northanger. I’ll be sure to be there :)


Twitter, Domino, Tumblr, Jade’s Twitter, Jade’s Domino, Melody’s Twitter, Melody’s Domino 



  1. effyeahsanditon reblogged this from thesanditonstar
  2. sanditon-anna reblogged this from sanditoncalifornia and added:
    Gotta love Sanditon
  3. takeabookalong reblogged this from sanditoncalifornia
  4. ohemjeez reblogged this from sanditoncalifornia and added:
    It’s not longer a flash mob when you tell the Internet about it. It’s a performance.
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