Already three months since I arrived in Sanditon for my holidays.
(Haven’t you as many days of vacation as I have? Well, you should definitively consider changing job. ;-) )
To come back to my stay in Sanditon, I am enjoying it so much, you cannot imagine. I am crazy about this town. There are so many activities and amazing people. You are never getting bored in Sanditon.
In the morning, I usually join the class at Sanditon Yoga Studio. I regularly meet Susan Parker there. After the class, we go for some ginger tea at Sanditon Tea. Diana and Arthur Parker join us time to time. I share buttered toast with Arthur (his sisters are quite horrified about it)! We chat about inner balance and diet, comment the latest news from the Sanditon Sun.
Then, I spend the rest of the morning either at the Robyn Worth’s library or at the Sanditon Historical Society.
I am a member of the Book Club Readiton, so I had a bunch of books to read this summer and to borrow at the library. I have spent hours in this library. I love books. Having a book in my hands is the most agreeable thing: the smell of book, turning the pages, diving in a story, eating the words of each sentence, so nice, right?
I also like History, and the Historical Society always had great conferences talking about Sanditon’s past. It is inspiring to learn about the origin and the evolution of a city and its people, its traditions.
At lunch, my friends from the Food Trailer Gang usually feed me. I have written about them before, so I won’t develop more here. I am only going to write again: ”Viva Hashtag Fat Sanditon”!
For the dessert, I go to Sanditon Scoops or to Sanditon Cupcakes: OMG, the best ice creams and cupcakes of the world are here in Sanditon!! So, go get a scoop or a bite. J
Then, I usually go to Sanditon Beach or Sanditon Garden or to the Denham Square, where the 4 Mayor Edward Denhams’ statues stand majestically. I read, write or paint, depending of my mood and motivation.
Time to time, I take part in a demonstration organized by SaveSanditon to object on some choices made for the city. Occasionally, I am going to a tour planned by Sanditon Tours. If the weather is too windy, I am hanging at the Sanditon Mall or the Sanditon Aquarium (I am fascinated by the behavior of seahorses).
Today, I did something different: I went to Sanditon Comics, owned by Mr Cray – such a lovely dude- and he helped me to choose the right comic for the birthday of my nephew. I just need to stop by the post office to send it with the nice postcard “Welcome to Sanditon”.
That it is more or less how I spend my afternoons.
Then, I go back to my room at Sandnation to watch some TV: “Sanditon Abbey”, “Pretty Little Sanditonians”, “Sanditon Who”, “Once Upon a Sanditon”, and so many other great shows!
Later, I meet some friends at SandBar or SanditonClub. Now and then, the famous star Lucille Luz comes there to “spread her love”, as she says. She’s really nice. If there is a special event, like a wine tasting, a bachelor party, a ball, movie night, I am always motivated and happy to join the party!! Of course, on Thursday, I go to craftnight. I am not so much a crafter, but I always have a great time there, laughing, joking, chatting, domino-ing with all my sanditonian friends, and teasing Ed on his crafting skills – even if I have to admit that I would not do better than him. At least, he is trying. Love, you know.
To resume, the life in Sanditon is relaxed, funny, and fantastic. I want to buy an apartment here, as a second residence. I just need to find a building that is not under construction. Now, that I am thinking about it, I actually prefer the style of the old sanditonian houses, so I probably get one of those 19th-century villas. I hope it will be “bank-approved”.
Let’s see what the future will be. See you around,
Saw Blue.
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