Exclusive: LeakyNews Interview with Sanditon’s Assistant to the Mayor Sidney Parker
As satisfying as the conclusion to Welcome to Sanditon was, we here at LeakyNews were left with a few questions we wanted answered. So we did what any good reporter would do– we called up the Sanditon Mayor’s Office, hoping to score an interview with Mayor Tom Parker.
Unfortunately, Mayor Parker was out speaking to Ed’s aunt about a new business venture (something about donkey’s-milk soaps and bath products, which are supposedly very good for the skin), but we were able to chat for a bit with his cousin, Sidney Parker, currently serving as Assistant to the Mayor of Sanditon. A transcript of the interview is below. Read on to hear about how Sanditon views the Domino beta test now that it’s over, some interesting hints about Pemberley Digital’s next venture, and if that mysterious auto-dialed call from Domino was really what it seemed!
Leaky News (LN): Now that the Domino beta test is over, how does the mayor’s office feel that it went?
Sidney Parker (SP): The mayor’s office feels that it was a thrilling experiment in technological partnership!
LN: No offense, but you sound like you’re quoting your cousin, Mayor Tom Parker.
Read the rest at LeakyNews.
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When Sidney and Gigi end up together Emma is going to convince herself she had the whole thing planned from the...
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